
Showing posts from August, 2017

Time to get going again!

I'm finally going travelling again, by myself this time. I thought I'd share some info about travel planning with you. While it's exciting as the trip becomes more real, this part can also be super stressful! When I decided I was leaving Nantes (where I've lived for 1.5 years) I had no idea where to begin. There are so many places I'd love to go! To make it easier, I've made a list of the places I can't miss, and since then I've been joining the dots. In central Europe, for example, my list consists of visiting friends in Germany, teaching English in Poland, and visiting a friend in Greece. The Czech Republic, Hungary and Croatia have since been added to the list, following many recommendations. On the way to Germany, I'll visit Belgium, and the Netherlands. I haven't quite got that far yet, but I might visit another country on my way south, too. This way I get to spend time in the places I really want to visit, but I also get to discover citie